Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy 2021 🎉

 January 5, 2020:  ‘My word for 2020 is minimize. My goal is to focus on minimizing and removing clutter from my life – material, physical and emotional – in order to prioritize and focus on the things that are most important to me.’

Whew! When God placed ‘minimize’ on my heart for 2020 I had no idea just how crazy relevant it was going to be! Minimizing came in all sorts of unexpected forms throughout the year. 

After having a scary health issue in January, I underwent a barrage of tests. The test results, and my doctor, said daily prescription meds were the answer. Instead I chose to work with an amazing health coach. I cut out sugar and added sugars, strictly minimized processed foods, chose the correct supplements, I prioritized my health and got a completely clean bill of health from my doctor in June.

And of course COVID showed up - minimizing so much, in so many ways. But besides the obvious that came with it, I am so thankful and grateful that I’ve had the option to pretty much hibernate - by choice. I am a mask wearing, social distancing, sanitizing, hand washing guideline follower. I choose to do this for others as much as for myself. Love one another. It also gave us an opportunity to see what real retirement life will be like. We’ll have no problem surviving it. 😉

So with another retirement on the horizon this month, we began seriously talking about our dream of retiring and living in Florida. And following months of prayerful planning we chose two amazing agents, listed our house for sale and purchased a new home in St Augustine Florida. As a result, I have ‘minimized’ like a wild woman. I have purged stuff, given stuff away and sold pretty much everything that is not needed and/or has a direct sentimental value. 

Another area I’ve seen unexpected minimizing in has been what I allow in my space. I’ve realized that even though I want people to know that I truly do care about them, there is just a lot of ‘stuff’ in this world that has no place in my space. Minimizing in this area has been extremely freeing. 

I had never considered, much less sought, a word for the year before that. But it has been so crazy to experience how the word ‘minimize’ was applicable to so many areas of my life throughout 2020.

Over the past couple of months God and I have had an ongoing conversation about 2021 and all the plans he has for me and the changes that are about to take place. I’ve also been asking him to place a new word on my heart for the new year. I got it about a month ago. I’ve got to admit it left me, well, squirming. 😬 Even to the point of playing the mental game of  Oh, I’m sure I’ll hear another one next time.’ But that didn’t happen. And even though our 3 kids are literally beasts in the gym, I obviously do not throw weights around - nor am I a lifter. So come on ... I’d be lying if I didn’t say the word I’ve been given for 2021 doesn’t make me, shall we say - a little nervous ... ?




1: the quality or state of being strong

2: capacity for exertion or endurance

3: power of resisting force/attack

4: legal, logical, or moral force

5: force as measured in numbers

6: one regarded as embodying or affording force or firmness

Yep. My word for 2021 is strength. And my main goals for this coming year are to strengthen my soul (Psalms 138:3), strengthen my mind (Romans 8:6) and strengthen my body (I Corinthians 6:19-20). And anything else God plans to show me. I have absolute faith that 2021 is going to be another great year to remember. And I cannot wait for God to show up and show out!!

Wishing everyone a truly blessed and Happy New Year!

Here’s to a ‘strong’ 2021!! 🎉🎉



Sunday, March 29, 2020

Birthday Love 💕 

My birthday wish each year is to spend time with my family. But March of 2020 has been one for the history books due to a global pandemic caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19). With more cases than any other country, our world has been changed. We’ve learned about social distancing, self-isolations, the perks of grocery pickups and deliveries, real hand washing and sanitizing to the tunes of the Happy Birthday or Baby Shark songs and just how fragile human life can be. Yes, unprecedented and crazy times. Which is why I wanted to document how in the middle of chaos, I received some pretty special birthday love this year

If you know me at all, you know I’m all about family. And you also know that being a Nana is the cherry on top. Fortunately, being retired and our grandkids being homeschooled, we’ve been able to safely share spaces. But allow me to share a backstory to what truly makes this birthday one to remember. 

Amanda, Aubrey and I were shopping this past Christmas. And while browsing a home goods aisle Amanda overheard Aubrey, who’s 4, sounding out the words ‘Best Nana Ever.’ She discovered her reading this wooden sign. 

She was so proud of herself!

So obviously (I mean Hello!) we bought it. But on the way to the car Aubrey claimed it for herself because it said Nana. Y’all. This sweet child has slept with it and kept it displayed in her room since then. 

So when I opened my birthday gift to find it wrapped among the tissue paper?? My heart!!!💖 Her little face was literally beaming! The fact that she gave me something she cherished so much. 🥰

This selfless gift speaks volumes of her love for me, as well as her heart for others. I am so blessed. 

We have agreed to share it from now on so that she’ll be able to place it in her room whenever she needs to. But until then, I will lovingly display it as just one more reminder that I am truly a blessed Nana ! 💕

‘Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.’ 

~ Nana

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Springtime? 👀

Life is happening, although the weather seems to be at a standstill. It's hard to believe it's April 17th and we had snow flurries yesterday - with today's temps, as I type, at 64 degrees. Crazy! This has been one wacky spring. No one seems to know what's going on . . .

I'm hoping yesterday was what we folks here in Middle Tennessee call 'Dogwood Winter'. If so, that means we only have 'Blackberry Winter' to go. Lol! If the weather prediction holds true for this weekend I have big plans for some flower pots. It's time to put a little color around the patio!

I'm looking forward to spending the day with two little helpers.

One, who is constantly on the 'run' . . .

and the other, who is either collecting rocks or showing off an artistic skill.

Then after a morning of playing in the dirt we're heading to an outdoor event with church for some fun and games to wrap up the day. 

Life around here is super-duper 'grand' ... 😍


Shelia 👋

Monday, March 26, 2018

The weekend . . .

We began our weekend loving on these two.

Papa explained how to spell names and count using  Chef Boyardee ABC's & 123's. It's the important lessons you know.

Little Missy fed and changed her baby

before putting her down for a nap.

Meanwhile Bennett watched Ferdinand (cute movie)

before planting the buttercups Aunt B.B. gave me for my birthday

He's Papa's little helper. Such a big boy!

That afternoon we helped with the Spring Cleaning at Awaken Church to get everything ready for Easter service and the new guests we are expecting.

Sunday morning was spent at Awaken Church for Palm Sunday, which included a donkey of course.

Following a nice lazy afternoon, we met some good friends for a movie & dinner. It was a great evening and a perfect way to end a weekend.

Side note: If you have not seen I Can Only Imagine you definitely want to before it leaves the big screen.

That wrapped this one up! So excited for ALL that our Easter weekend will bring. Starting it off with Good Friday at Awaken Church. Join us!

Later ;)