Thanks to social media and the sharing of my Facebook friends, I've had another thought provoking week. Join me for a short tour?
Perhaps you can relate to this one...
I find myself feeling like this on many days...
But then someone shares a photo like this...
And it reminds me of just how tiny or insignificant my problems really are...
Or if I find myself struggling with an issue or something personal...
I'm reminded that I often cause myself more damage than others do...
Or I'll come across something like this...
And find myself just laughing out loud :)
Then there are the photos I come across when I need them the most...
Those that recognize the loved ones who fight for and protect our freedoms...
And then there are those that require no description at all...
Feel it??
Until later :)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
A twinge?
I don't know if it's just me or not, but there are times I feel like life is just flat running me over. But then there are other times when I wonder just what the heck I've actually done with all of my time!
I mean, my days are filled with work (you know - the kind you actually get paid for) and then the evenings with chores (you know - the kind you don't). And then in between those two I try and take care of all of the other stuff. You know - the constant list of errands, grocery shopping, paying bills, balancing checkbooks, etc, etc, etc. I try to get as much done as possible Monday thru Friday so we have the weekends free for visits from any of the kids - and of course, the granddog, Jaxon :)
And since it's fair to say that my days, lunch hours and evenings are not wasted, I'm even more confused. Why is it that I always feel like I should be doing more?
So I'm wondering ... could it possibly be that this is my first twinge of the dreaded Empty Nest Sydrome?? And that instead of the whole missing the physical bodies part, I'm doomed to missing the constant to-do list?
You've got to be kidding me!!
Oh well. I think that's something I can work on ...
Until later :)
I mean, my days are filled with work (you know - the kind you actually get paid for) and then the evenings with chores (you know - the kind you don't). And then in between those two I try and take care of all of the other stuff. You know - the constant list of errands, grocery shopping, paying bills, balancing checkbooks, etc, etc, etc. I try to get as much done as possible Monday thru Friday so we have the weekends free for visits from any of the kids - and of course, the granddog, Jaxon :)
And since it's fair to say that my days, lunch hours and evenings are not wasted, I'm even more confused. Why is it that I always feel like I should be doing more?
So I'm wondering ... could it possibly be that this is my first twinge of the dreaded Empty Nest Sydrome?? And that instead of the whole missing the physical bodies part, I'm doomed to missing the constant to-do list?
You've got to be kidding me!!
Oh well. I think that's something I can work on ...
Until later :)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Heart dirt ...
Note * Sharing a devotion with you today. Enjoy.
There was a crisp chill slipping through the window as I headed to the couch to get with God before rushing into my day. I filled up my coffee mug, lit a cinnamon bun scented jar candle and nestled into my corner spot. Before I could get comfortable, however, I realized that the combination of the morning breeze and the ceiling fan were a bit much for my shorts-clad legs. I jumped up from the couch and turned the ceiling fan off … for possibly the first time in five or six months.
As I got back into my comfy prayer corner, I looked up at the fan, now still, and drew a deep breath of surprise. Dirt! All over the blades of my ceiling fan! And when I say that I saw dirt, I don't mean just a smidgeon … Yuck. When did that happen? How did it get there? Note to self: clean fan today.
I brought my Bible and prayer journal to my lap, ready to talk to God, but before I could even lift my pen and open the Word, I heard a soul whisper, “Be still.”
“I’m here, Lord! Ready to talk. Ready to pray,” my heart responded.
Again…the whisper, “Be still.”
“Like the fan, LORD?” I wondered?
Then it hit me: when I slow my soul to still and listen quietly, God gently shows me the dirt on the blades of my heart. You see, I’m an action girl. I love to move and chat and go, go, go. Dust doesn’t settle on my days – but – as God reminded me, dirt sure can settle on my heart. And I nod knowingly.
When I slow to still and know that He is God, I am face to face with His holiness. In light of His holiness, my wretchedness is revealed. His love and kindness brings revelation that causes my heart to ache for restoration. So I confess. I confess my mess. My heart dirt. And His mercy runs. Before the confessions leave my tongue, the blades of my heart are sparkling. Wiped clean with the righteousness of Grace. Beautiful, far-reaching grace.
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him” (2 Chronicles 16:9, ESV).
This grace is for every one of us – and it begins and ends with Jesus Christ. It’s for me. It’s for you. Whether you are at work, at home, at the hospital or in a jail cell. He’s whispering, “Be still.” Whether you are struggling with life strains or are in a season of reprieve. “Be still.” Whether you have a house full of crazy noise or an apartment filled with ordered quiet. “Be still.” Whether the diagnosis is cancer, the sting of betrayal is fresh, the Hope you cling to resounds, or you are weary and unsettled. “Be still.” Know that He is God. Know that He is good. He is in control. He loves you. He is able. He is holy. He is worthy. Oh, so worthy.
Then, in the stillness … respond.
O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
(Psalm 139:1-6, 23-24, NLT)
"Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a).
Have a great weekend.
Until later ...
There was a crisp chill slipping through the window as I headed to the couch to get with God before rushing into my day. I filled up my coffee mug, lit a cinnamon bun scented jar candle and nestled into my corner spot. Before I could get comfortable, however, I realized that the combination of the morning breeze and the ceiling fan were a bit much for my shorts-clad legs. I jumped up from the couch and turned the ceiling fan off … for possibly the first time in five or six months.
As I got back into my comfy prayer corner, I looked up at the fan, now still, and drew a deep breath of surprise. Dirt! All over the blades of my ceiling fan! And when I say that I saw dirt, I don't mean just a smidgeon … Yuck. When did that happen? How did it get there? Note to self: clean fan today.
I brought my Bible and prayer journal to my lap, ready to talk to God, but before I could even lift my pen and open the Word, I heard a soul whisper, “Be still.”
“I’m here, Lord! Ready to talk. Ready to pray,” my heart responded.
Again…the whisper, “Be still.”
“Like the fan, LORD?” I wondered?
Then it hit me: when I slow my soul to still and listen quietly, God gently shows me the dirt on the blades of my heart. You see, I’m an action girl. I love to move and chat and go, go, go. Dust doesn’t settle on my days – but – as God reminded me, dirt sure can settle on my heart. And I nod knowingly.
When I slow to still and know that He is God, I am face to face with His holiness. In light of His holiness, my wretchedness is revealed. His love and kindness brings revelation that causes my heart to ache for restoration. So I confess. I confess my mess. My heart dirt. And His mercy runs. Before the confessions leave my tongue, the blades of my heart are sparkling. Wiped clean with the righteousness of Grace. Beautiful, far-reaching grace.
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him” (2 Chronicles 16:9, ESV).
This grace is for every one of us – and it begins and ends with Jesus Christ. It’s for me. It’s for you. Whether you are at work, at home, at the hospital or in a jail cell. He’s whispering, “Be still.” Whether you are struggling with life strains or are in a season of reprieve. “Be still.” Whether you have a house full of crazy noise or an apartment filled with ordered quiet. “Be still.” Whether the diagnosis is cancer, the sting of betrayal is fresh, the Hope you cling to resounds, or you are weary and unsettled. “Be still.” Know that He is God. Know that He is good. He is in control. He loves you. He is able. He is holy. He is worthy. Oh, so worthy.
Then, in the stillness … respond.
O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
(Psalm 139:1-6, 23-24, NLT)
"Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a).
Have a great weekend.
Until later ...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Creatures of habit . . .
The recent outcry (mine included) over the changes to Facebook makes one think. It's so easy to settle right down into that cozy, comfy spot called complacency, isn't it? I mean if we're truthful isn't that where we're the most comfortable ... ?
com·pla·cen·cy [kuhm-pley-suhn-see] noun, plural -cies.
1. a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.
A story is told of three demons who were arguing over the best way to destroy the Christian movement.
The first demon had it all figured out. “Let’s tell all the Christians that there is no heaven. If we take away the reward incentive, their movement will collapse.”
The second demon responded with, “No, I have a better idea. Let’s tell all of the Christians that there really is no hell. If we take away their fear of punishment, their movement will collapse.”
The third demon offered, “Both of those are great ideas, but there is a better way. Let’s tell all the Christians that there is no hurry.”
The other demons applauded in delight! “That’s it!” they said.
Complacency is not part of God’s best plan for our lives. And that knowledge equals responsibility. The moments God give us really do matter - now and eternally. We are responsible for how we spend them.
Until later ...
com·pla·cen·cy [kuhm-pley-suhn-see] noun, plural -cies.
1. a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.
A story is told of three demons who were arguing over the best way to destroy the Christian movement.
The first demon had it all figured out. “Let’s tell all the Christians that there is no heaven. If we take away the reward incentive, their movement will collapse.”
The second demon responded with, “No, I have a better idea. Let’s tell all of the Christians that there really is no hell. If we take away their fear of punishment, their movement will collapse.”
The third demon offered, “Both of those are great ideas, but there is a better way. Let’s tell all the Christians that there is no hurry.”
The other demons applauded in delight! “That’s it!” they said.
Complacency is not part of God’s best plan for our lives. And that knowledge equals responsibility. The moments God give us really do matter - now and eternally. We are responsible for how we spend them.
Until later ...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
From one to another ...
The speaker came out onto the stage. He pulled out a one-hundred dollar bill.
“Who would like this one-hundred dollar bill?” he asked.
Hands shot up all around the room.
Then he crumpled the paper, threw it on the floor and ground the dirt into it with his foot. Holding up the dirty, crumpled and tattered money, he then asked, “Now, who wants this one-hundred dollar bill?”
The same hands went into the air.
“And that is why God still wants you,” he continued. “You may be battered and bruised. You may be tattered and torn. You may be crumpled and creased. But that does not change your value to God any more than what I have done changes the value of this one-hundred dollar bill. You are still precious and valuable to the God who chose you, redeemed you, and loves you as His own.”
Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). In Paul’s day, it was customary to store treasure in clay jars. The common container disguised its contents and didn’t draw attention to the treasure within. You and I might not look like much on the outside. We may appear as common as jars of clay, but inside are hidden incredible treasures. Inside these old cracked pots reside the most incredible treasure of all...Jesus Christ. And that makes us valuable.
This was one of my devotionals today. I'm not surprised though because I spent the evening yesterday with Mike in a small, almost impoverished little town in Kentucky. And God always knows my heart.
Mike worked there for several weeks recently to determine the sources resulting in a huge amount of water loss within their public water system. He had to report those findings at a meeting last night and asked if I'd ride along.
It's a small, peaceful and simple town sitting literally on the banks of the beautiful Ohio River. A town that filled our conversation on the trip back home because we couldn't help but see so much potential. We always think it's easy to look in from the outside - don't we?
Mike came to know several people while there. Working closely with a few. They shared their stories and their take on the town.
There's almost a total lack of employment there, primarily due to the shut-down of a tile manufacturing plant many, many years ago. And with just a handful of the downtown store-fronts being operational, the rest are either boarded up or falling down. According to them the town has suffered the test of time and is slowly but surely losing.
We, like most of you, would quickly say there is nothing there. No grocery. The nearest 'store' is on the outskirts of town and it's a Marathon Gas Station. Well, there's a Dollar General near the Marathon also - a small Dollar General. But that's it.
A 'pizza place' had just opened in one of the store-fronts as Mike was finishing his work there. The sign announced yesterday that they are open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. There are two 'restaurants', which are open and closed on alternate days. They close at 6:00 PM each day.
The Police Dept consists of two men - the chief and a patrolman. The Mayor also works at Walmart - in another town. They have a Fire Dept and a truck, but the nearest doctor or hospital is almost an hour away.
Everyone who has been able to has moved away, including any new graduates, in search of employment. They say their town in 'drying up'.
I left there last night feeling so saddened and helpless for the people of this town.
But then I read this devotion . . .
It reminded me that we are all cracked pots and no matter how 'crumpled' we seem to others or what circumstances we may find ourselves in - we are all chosen and dearly loved children of the King.
From one pot to another ...
Later :)
“Who would like this one-hundred dollar bill?” he asked.
Hands shot up all around the room.
Then he crumpled the paper, threw it on the floor and ground the dirt into it with his foot. Holding up the dirty, crumpled and tattered money, he then asked, “Now, who wants this one-hundred dollar bill?”
The same hands went into the air.
“And that is why God still wants you,” he continued. “You may be battered and bruised. You may be tattered and torn. You may be crumpled and creased. But that does not change your value to God any more than what I have done changes the value of this one-hundred dollar bill. You are still precious and valuable to the God who chose you, redeemed you, and loves you as His own.”
Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). In Paul’s day, it was customary to store treasure in clay jars. The common container disguised its contents and didn’t draw attention to the treasure within. You and I might not look like much on the outside. We may appear as common as jars of clay, but inside are hidden incredible treasures. Inside these old cracked pots reside the most incredible treasure of all...Jesus Christ. And that makes us valuable.
This was one of my devotionals today. I'm not surprised though because I spent the evening yesterday with Mike in a small, almost impoverished little town in Kentucky. And God always knows my heart.
Mike worked there for several weeks recently to determine the sources resulting in a huge amount of water loss within their public water system. He had to report those findings at a meeting last night and asked if I'd ride along.
It's a small, peaceful and simple town sitting literally on the banks of the beautiful Ohio River. A town that filled our conversation on the trip back home because we couldn't help but see so much potential. We always think it's easy to look in from the outside - don't we?
Mike came to know several people while there. Working closely with a few. They shared their stories and their take on the town.
There's almost a total lack of employment there, primarily due to the shut-down of a tile manufacturing plant many, many years ago. And with just a handful of the downtown store-fronts being operational, the rest are either boarded up or falling down. According to them the town has suffered the test of time and is slowly but surely losing.
We, like most of you, would quickly say there is nothing there. No grocery. The nearest 'store' is on the outskirts of town and it's a Marathon Gas Station. Well, there's a Dollar General near the Marathon also - a small Dollar General. But that's it.
A 'pizza place' had just opened in one of the store-fronts as Mike was finishing his work there. The sign announced yesterday that they are open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. There are two 'restaurants', which are open and closed on alternate days. They close at 6:00 PM each day.
The Police Dept consists of two men - the chief and a patrolman. The Mayor also works at Walmart - in another town. They have a Fire Dept and a truck, but the nearest doctor or hospital is almost an hour away.
Everyone who has been able to has moved away, including any new graduates, in search of employment. They say their town in 'drying up'.
I left there last night feeling so saddened and helpless for the people of this town.
But then I read this devotion . . .
It reminded me that we are all cracked pots and no matter how 'crumpled' we seem to others or what circumstances we may find ourselves in - we are all chosen and dearly loved children of the King.
From one pot to another ...
Later :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Well, Fall has slipped back in for the day. I can handle that. One day I mean. Maybe two. But I seriously do not like cold weather. Ask anyone. I pretty much stay cold and can even manage a chill-bump or two all year long. But whatever. My husband tossed chili makings in the crock pot for dinner :)
So life is good ... because I never have, nor ever will be, in charge of the seasons :)
Season 13 (can you believe it??) of Big Brother ended last night. Yeah. I'm one of those fans.
But it's really crazy to watch a house full of strangers try to live together - isolated - for a whole summer. Probably a lot like some 'normal' family dynamics in our real world . . .
But one thing did stand out to me in the finale as we watched the evicted house guests vote to determine the winner. Someone who thought they had the game totally under control in the beginning (well ok, they all did . . .) made the comment to the soon to be crowned winner, that it was a good thing the winner wasn't determined by personality. Really???
Then I thought of how often many of us assume the behavior of others is so much beneath our own. Again I say - really???
Sort of like when you go to any length to pass someone driving too slow for your acceptance - only to end up sitting beside them at a red light . . .
Or behaving in a what you realize in the aftermath was a very unacceptable behavior - only to find out your mom, best friend, boss, small group leader, etc is either related to or works with the very person who witnessed or even worse was the recipient of such behavior. . .
Yep. Unfortunately reality TV is sometimes just a little too real.
Until later ...
So life is good ... because I never have, nor ever will be, in charge of the seasons :)
Season 13 (can you believe it??) of Big Brother ended last night. Yeah. I'm one of those fans.
But it's really crazy to watch a house full of strangers try to live together - isolated - for a whole summer. Probably a lot like some 'normal' family dynamics in our real world . . .
But one thing did stand out to me in the finale as we watched the evicted house guests vote to determine the winner. Someone who thought they had the game totally under control in the beginning (well ok, they all did . . .) made the comment to the soon to be crowned winner, that it was a good thing the winner wasn't determined by personality. Really???
Then I thought of how often many of us assume the behavior of others is so much beneath our own. Again I say - really???
Sort of like when you go to any length to pass someone driving too slow for your acceptance - only to end up sitting beside them at a red light . . .
Or behaving in a what you realize in the aftermath was a very unacceptable behavior - only to find out your mom, best friend, boss, small group leader, etc is either related to or works with the very person who witnessed or even worse was the recipient of such behavior. . .
Yep. Unfortunately reality TV is sometimes just a little too real.
Until later ...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Been a while, but most days I just don't feel like I have anything to share. But then again, if I waited on earth shattering news I'd never update this thing...
Fall is fast approaching. Thought it was here to stay a week ago. Scared me there for a bit. But I'm sure the stores loved it. All those people rushing in for emergency wardrobe updates and all. Not me though. I'm ahead of them. I've been wearing sweaters, particularly at work, for quite a while now...
Had a wonderful weekend though. Spent most of it with family. My favorite place to be. I love my time with them regardless of what we're doing.
I got tickets for Priss and I to see Wicked at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in October.
We're both super excited and can't wait. I love that she doesn't mind hanging out with her old mom :)
After mentioning that we were going to read the book before seeing the play, several people commented that either it was no good or they had we should skip it. I now know they were being kind. I had barely began to read it and found myself hoping I don't end up with nightmares. The song 'O be careful little eyes what you see' came immediately to mind. I'll try to be polite by saying, if I were a book critic my analysis would simply be - 'sick and twisted' - and that's being extremely kind. Looking forward to the play correcting all of that for me.
On a much lighter note, I spent Saturday morning shopping with Priss. She introduced me to a place off of Charlotte Pike, Nashville West. Marshalls and Ross were both aware we had we'd been there.
Found some great bargains and even picked up something for the old man of the house.
He loves it :)
We worked up quite an appetite and were starving! There was a Red Robin (YUMMM!) nearby. Awesome hamburger and delicious sweet potato fries. For some reason they just taste healthy.
Wish I'd had room for that Mountain High Mudd Pie :( But there's always next time...
We ended the day with an attempt to do the fire pit and smore`s. The nasty little sudden storm ran us all inside. But we found out they're pretty delicious in the oven too. Enjoyed them with a second viewing of the movie Soul Surfer. Great movie. Watch it if you haven't already.
Sunday morning was spent at Grace. Always leave feeling better than before we arrived. (
Priss and the granddog came over for the afternoon. Turned out another awesome Crock Pot Girls recipe and tried a new Pumpkin Spice Cake recipe. Priss did put it together, so I suppose she gets credit for baking it. It was DELICIOUS!! Really brought home the taste of fall. Try it :)
Pumpkin Spice Cake
1 Box Spice Cake Mix
1 Can Pure Pumpkin (small can)
1/3 Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce
3 Eggs
Chopped Pecans (optional)
Mix together, spread into 9x13 lightly greased and floured dish. Bake @ 350 for 32-35 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool and frost with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle w/additional nuts.
Until next time . . . :)
Fall is fast approaching. Thought it was here to stay a week ago. Scared me there for a bit. But I'm sure the stores loved it. All those people rushing in for emergency wardrobe updates and all. Not me though. I'm ahead of them. I've been wearing sweaters, particularly at work, for quite a while now...
Had a wonderful weekend though. Spent most of it with family. My favorite place to be. I love my time with them regardless of what we're doing.
I got tickets for Priss and I to see Wicked at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in October.
We're both super excited and can't wait. I love that she doesn't mind hanging out with her old mom :)
After mentioning that we were going to read the book before seeing the play, several people commented that either it was no good or they had we should skip it. I now know they were being kind. I had barely began to read it and found myself hoping I don't end up with nightmares. The song 'O be careful little eyes what you see' came immediately to mind. I'll try to be polite by saying, if I were a book critic my analysis would simply be - 'sick and twisted' - and that's being extremely kind. Looking forward to the play correcting all of that for me.
On a much lighter note, I spent Saturday morning shopping with Priss. She introduced me to a place off of Charlotte Pike, Nashville West. Marshalls and Ross were both aware we had we'd been there.
Found some great bargains and even picked up something for the old man of the house.
He loves it :)
We worked up quite an appetite and were starving! There was a Red Robin (YUMMM!) nearby. Awesome hamburger and delicious sweet potato fries. For some reason they just taste healthy.
Wish I'd had room for that Mountain High Mudd Pie :( But there's always next time...
We ended the day with an attempt to do the fire pit and smore`s. The nasty little sudden storm ran us all inside. But we found out they're pretty delicious in the oven too. Enjoyed them with a second viewing of the movie Soul Surfer. Great movie. Watch it if you haven't already.
Sunday morning was spent at Grace. Always leave feeling better than before we arrived. (
Priss and the granddog came over for the afternoon. Turned out another awesome Crock Pot Girls recipe and tried a new Pumpkin Spice Cake recipe. Priss did put it together, so I suppose she gets credit for baking it. It was DELICIOUS!! Really brought home the taste of fall. Try it :)
Pumpkin Spice Cake
1 Box Spice Cake Mix
1 Can Pure Pumpkin (small can)
1/3 Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce
3 Eggs
Chopped Pecans (optional)
Mix together, spread into 9x13 lightly greased and floured dish. Bake @ 350 for 32-35 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool and frost with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle w/additional nuts.
Until next time . . . :)
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