Sharing today . . .
To the Victorious President and Lawmakers:
First of all, Congratulations! You deserve to celebrate. But as your celebrations subside - which they quickly must - may I offer a couple of words of advice from the We The People gallery?
- Watch your crowing and gloating. Remember, we weren’t overjoyed with any of you. Nor do we completely trust you. You have a chance to change our opinion, but it will take some doing.
- As you consider the state of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Obamacare, remember that we are the ones with few - or no - options. Congress, you have your self-voted-in gold-plated health care plan, your retirement, etc. etc. etc. (for which we are footing the bill, by the way). It would make your words of concern ring so much truer if you planned less for yourselves and more for us.
- As you look for ways to pare down the budget, why not begin by giving back the most recent raise you in Congress voted yourselves? In fact, how about freezing your pay until you actually get meaningful work accomplished on our behalf? Had we been able to do that with the last Congress, our treasury would be way ahead of where it is today.
- And speaking of We The People, how about establishing a system whereby a group of regular citizens would sit on an advisory panel and give direct grass-roots input on various issues? Input you would actually listen to and incorporate into your actions? It just might help you understand why we so distrust you.
- Rip yourself loose from the tentacles of lobbyists. Even those to whom you had to make elaborate promises to get elected. Hey, you break your promises to us all the time. Why not to them?
- Please, Mr. President… Please Congressfolk… do the job you were elected to do. Think of the United States of America. Think of We The People. We are, after all, your employers.
- You have a golden opportunity to make our country a better place. Will you accept it?
God bless you. My prayers will be with you.
Kay Marshall Strom
“America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
Abraham Lincoln
Until later :-)