Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Slip on by . . .

Heard one of my latest favorite songs this morning.
And it has left me reflecting once again on how fast time slips on by.
You see, it literally seems like only yesterday that my little ones
were running around underfoot everywhere and playing.
Then, the memories of those sweet, tender years lead to feelings of regret.
My regrets.
Regrets over the many baskets of laundry that took precedence over
the dressing of a Barbie doll . . .
The hours spent on dusting that took precedence over 

something as simple as playing in the floor . . .
And the mornings spent vacuuming that took precedence over

time watching silly Saturday morning cartoons.

Yes, the regrets come pouring in again
as I realize those precious opportunities are gone.

You see, my little ones are all grown up now.
The laundry is long forgotten.

The dust is still here.

And I can care less if my floors ever get vacuumed.
Still I am know I am beyond blessed to be their mom.
And yes, I am radiantly proud of the adults they have become. :)
But still, as I look back, it's as if my babies
grew up right before my eyes.
So ... as I reflect back - again - on the moments I took for granted, 
I'll leave you busy, busy moms with a word of advice -
and a beautiful song that just might give you something to think about -
don't - let - it - slip - on - by.
Later :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I was an addict . . .

Hello. My name is Shelia and I ‘was’ a caffeine addicted junkie . . .

Not long ago I consumed coffee from the time I woke - through mid-morning at work. This was often followed by multiple cups for the inevitable afternoon slump. Yet, I was constantly exhausted and drained. I had no energy and even normal day to day activities were a complete chore.

Like many empty-nesters, my day consisted of a full day at work, followed by an evening routine of preparing dinner (or serving drive-thru), eating it, then melting into the sofa to watch TV. This was then followed by bedtime, a night of restless sleep, and waking the next morning for another day of exhaustion – only to do it all over again. I was trapped in my own personal Groundhog Day . . .

I was convinced that avoiding most greasy fried foods, most breads, and justifying only the ‘occasional’ binge of chocolate and/or sweets, meant that I was eating healthy. This all added to my frustration when I could not lose even a few pounds when ‘dieting’ or ‘restricting’ foods. Sure that there had to be a health issue, I headed to my doctor for answers. This led to rounds of blood-work and various testing for what ‘must be’ thyroid, gallbladder and/or intestinal related issues. All tests were negative, so it was suggested I try OTC sleeping aids and consider that ‘stress’ might be an underlying culprit. Frustrated is putting it mildly. Sound familiar?

Enter AdvoCare . . .

I was introduced to AdvoCare by a friend who gave me a sample of Spark. The energy I felt from that one little packet was all the incentive I needed to purchase the 24-Day Challenge. I immediately started feeling the difference of the products and within just days I was experiencing incredible results from the world class AdvoCare products that I was putting into my body. In just 24 days I lost 13 pounds and 15 ½ inches!! I had been trying to lose 10 pounds for over a year! My energy level and metabolism was through the roof! And I had thought I didn’t even have a metabolism! I felt better than I had in years! And since that first sip of Spark, I have not looked back – nor been to the doctor! I have continued with the AdvoCare products through Spark, MNS-3 and/or MNS-C, Omegaplex, Catalyst and Thermoplus.

Just recently, following the 2012 holidays I began another 24-Day Challenge. After day 10 of the Cleanse Phase I have lost an additional 6 pounds and 7 1/2 inches. I feel AMAZING and look forward to each new day knowing that I now have the knowledge and healthy supplements to maintain my health and help me reach each new goal I set.

Anyone who knows me also knows that I am not a fan of the camera. So for me to put this before & after picture out for all to see should indicate exactly how thrilled I am with the results of the 24-Day Challenge and the AdvoCare line of products . . .

The photo on the left was taken just this past August in Florida. I can't believe I actually thought I looked thin on that trip! But the one on the right was taken before work this morning . . .

AdvoCare has changed my life and the way I look at the things I put into my body. I eat for my body now and not for temporary satisfaction. I have not had a cup of coffee in over 6 months and have absolutely no craving for it. I LOVE the Spark energy drink! The clean mental focus it gives me is fantastic, not to mention the steady supply of energy that totally prevents that dreaded afternoon slump! I just recently purchased the NEW 'Can You 24?' DVD. I've gotta do something with all of this energy!! :) And I'm looking forward to living out my new mantra . . . you’re as young as you feel!!

My family and friends are constantly hearing me rant and rave about AdvoCare, my weight loss and how much healthier and more energetic I feel. I can’t help it! I feel ‘lighter’ and ‘younger’ than I have in years. I get so excited when I get the opportunity to share my experience and how easy it is to benefit - physically and financially with AdvoCare. How can I not be excited when I've had such a positive lifestyle change??

So, I just recently became a distributor of the AdvoCare products myself. My goal is to share the amazing opportunities with everyone else. So if you're reading this and whether you find yourself always tired or exhausted, have had no luck with weight loss or are just sick of yo-yo merry-go-round food restricting dieting - I would LOVE to share how the 24-Day Challenge will unbelievably jump start a new you and a new lifestyle. Believe me when I say - no gimmicks, no diet - just AMAZING results.

Feel free to click here and browse. And please don't hesitate to ask me about the products or any questions that you might have. I'd love to not only share my experience with you, but also help you begin your own journey of embracing your wellness!

Later :)
