Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Springtime? 👀

Life is happening, although the weather seems to be at a standstill. It's hard to believe it's April 17th and we had snow flurries yesterday - with today's temps, as I type, at 64 degrees. Crazy! This has been one wacky spring. No one seems to know what's going on . . .

I'm hoping yesterday was what we folks here in Middle Tennessee call 'Dogwood Winter'. If so, that means we only have 'Blackberry Winter' to go. Lol! If the weather prediction holds true for this weekend I have big plans for some flower pots. It's time to put a little color around the patio!

I'm looking forward to spending the day with two little helpers.

One, who is constantly on the 'run' . . .

and the other, who is either collecting rocks or showing off an artistic skill.

Then after a morning of playing in the dirt we're heading to an outdoor event with church for some fun and games to wrap up the day. 

Life around here is super-duper 'grand' ... 😍


Shelia 👋

Monday, March 26, 2018

The weekend . . .

We began our weekend loving on these two.

Papa explained how to spell names and count using  Chef Boyardee ABC's & 123's. It's the important lessons you know.

Little Missy fed and changed her baby

before putting her down for a nap.

Meanwhile Bennett watched Ferdinand (cute movie)

before planting the buttercups Aunt B.B. gave me for my birthday

He's Papa's little helper. Such a big boy!

That afternoon we helped with the Spring Cleaning at Awaken Church to get everything ready for Easter service and the new guests we are expecting.

Sunday morning was spent at Awaken Church for Palm Sunday, which included a donkey of course.

Following a nice lazy afternoon, we met some good friends for a movie & dinner. It was a great evening and a perfect way to end a weekend.

Side note: If you have not seen I Can Only Imagine you definitely want to before it leaves the big screen.

That wrapped this one up! So excited for ALL that our Easter weekend will bring. Starting it off with Good Friday at Awaken Church. Join us!

Later ;)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

It's Been A Minute . . .

Wow. It has been a minute.
Isn't it crazy how regardless of the season of life you're in - time just disappears? I mean seriously. I think as a couple whether you're newly married, setting up a home, preparing for children, welcoming children, raising children, those children leaving home, becoming empty-nesters, or realizing empty-nesting is not as sad as you were warned it would be (😊) - time just manages to get away. 

I decided to attempt blogging again because I'm heading into a new season and I want to remember the journey. It's a season I'm both extremely excited about (for obvious reasons) but a tad bit anxious about at the same time. I mean, talk about time getting away. I'll be retiring at the end of the year!

I'm still in the process of getting used to the idea. Partly because of the occasional anxiousness, which is just plain annoying. But I think having worked at a place for 25 years that is more like family than just a job makes me feel as if I'm jumping ship. Because I know how blessed I've been to work at such a place. Which led to my decision to give a 10 month notice.

But ... then anticipation and excitement takes hold - and I can barely sit still.

And yeah, I've heard the opinions from both sides of the retirement aisle. There are the Negative Ned and Nancy's who recall 'Well, I watched my parents retire and it was downhill from there.' But then there's the other side where the Peppy Positive's reside, like my friend M.R., who told me at lunch the other day 'You are going to love it!' I think I'll trust her voice of experience on this. Because I honestly cannot wait to be a full-time wife and Nana.
My retirement goals so far are to:  
  • Remind my husband I can cook (without a microwave)
  • Travel out of town with him for work
  • Love on my grandbabies whenever I want
  • Host a ladies brunch bible study
  • Develop a consistent exercise routine
  • Visit relatives
  • Volunteer
  • Read an accumulated stack of books
  • Sleep in on cold rainy days
  • Shop while most people aren't
Oh. And blog more often. Lol!

Later 👋