Pitter patter, tiny laughter . . .
But I also know him - all too well - and it's just not in him to be mentally prepared for what's coming. Because as happy as he is that she has found Brandon - the Daddy of this Princess is going to be torn all to pieces when she's gone.
Baby bottles, little waddle . . .
You have no idea how much I hope I'm wrong - but this is how I envision it: He'll mope around for days trying to convince me, himself and anyone else who will listen - that he's fine with it. Yet, the whole time he'll be secretly wrestling with - and trying his best to come to terms with - the fact that she's really, really gone - and that it is permanent.
Teething rings, Mommy sings . . .
Then, when we make the trip to the airport following their Jamaican honeymoon, he will see his baby girl in a whole new light. That will finally confirm for him that his Princess has indeed grown up. And he will find himself both proud and sad at the very same time.
Toddler toys, screams of joy . . .
And as days and weeks float by, this amazing Daddy will realize that the 'circle of life' will indeed continue, just as God intended. And he will be able to relax, enjoy and cherish the past and future relationship that the two of them will always know as special.
Daddy's arms, all strong and warm . . .

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