There is a feature on my cell phone that allows me to decline an incoming call. There are a thousand reasons why I might choose to hit the “decline” button when my phone rings. Sometimes I am writing and have a deadline to make. Decline. Sometimes a call comes in when I’m mid-conversation with a friend or when I’m connecting with my family. Decline. At times, true confessions here, I decline a call simply because I don’t want to talk to the person who’s calling me at that moment. (C'mon, don’t judge me.)
Similarly, there are times in my life when I try to ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit as if I were declining a cell phone call. Times when I just don’t feel like doing what I know God wants me to do. Times when I don’t want to hear the still small voice that whispers to my soul: "forgive him" – "release your anger" – "humble yourself and ask for forgiveness" or "focus on my plan for you ... not on my plan for another person."
Now, naturally I didn't write this humbling confession - although it sadly fits me to a tee at times. It came from a devotional I read this morning that smacked me up beside the head. Not about the whole declining of phone calls (although that part's true too . . .) but the times I just don't listen to God. The times I'm just too occupied, intent on traveling my own path or perhaps even scared to hear what he has to say.
The devotion went on to say -
Jesus told his disciples that if they loved Him, they would obey His commands and His teachings (John 14:15-27). A simple if-then statement. If you love me, then you will obey. He also told them that when He returned to the Father in heaven, He would send the Holy Spirit to teach, to guide in truth, to convict of sin and to remind believers of what Jesus taught (John 16:7-14). To help us. To empower us. The Spirit of God lives within every Christian. He equips us for each task as we yield to His leading. When God prompts us to do something on His behalf, He is faithful to lead the way and to bless our obedience – for His own glory. It's all about His glory. He simply wants our willingness and our obedience. Friend, His plans need to be our plans ... even if His plans sometimes seem to "interrupt" our plans.
My devotion today reminded me quickly that even with all the wedding planning, the endless errands, work, laundry, shopping, the extra bodies around our house (all of them welcome :) and every other menial task I have to do - I've been declining far too often. Time to start taking His call . . .
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