I have to say, I've always worried about being one of 'those' mother-in-law's. I mean, there are times when you wonder if your kids will find someone 'worthy' enough. (Come on . . . admit it.) But I also knew I did not want to feel that way when the real time came.
I really don't know where the fear of being one came from. Because the only experience I've ever had is through generalization. For example, one of Mike's favorite re-run shows right now is Everybody Loves Raymond. And while it's a very funny show, I know that Marie is the perfect example of what NOT to do as a mother-in-law. And thank God, I've been much, much luckier than poor Debra...
Unlike Marie, my mother-in-law is one of the sweetest women you'll ever meet. She has never over-stepped her bounds, offered unsolicited advice or made me feel the least bit inadequate as a wife to her son or mother to her grandchildren. If anything, she's always made me feel completely accepted and 'validated' in both areas.
And then there's my mom. I could not have asked for a better example of how to be a mother-in-law. She treats my husband as if he's her very own son. As a matter of fact, most of the time she spoils him way more than she does me. It speaks volumes about their relationship that he picks up the phone and deliberately calls her just to talk.
I think I've made it pretty clear to everyone how I feel about Brandon. He has quickly become a part of our family. He is extremely respectful and a true gentlemen at all times. He is going to make our relationship very, very easy.
I'm beginning to see how my mom does it ;)
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