Saturday, March 5, 2011

Time . . .

Time is a crazy thing. We gauge and live our lives by it. Yet it's nothing tangible. Nothing we can see. Nothing we can feel. Nothing to smell. Nothing to hear. And probably most frustrating at times - nothing we can get our hands on. It's mind-boggling how if associated with something extremely personal to us - time can appear to approach, drag, blur and be gone - all at the same time.

The 'time' I'm referring to right now is Brandon's latest deployment. It's just seems ridiculous to me today that he left weeks before Christmas! I remember dreading and just knowing that these past three months were going to be the longest and most miserable ever. But even though I have truly missed the little stinker like crazy, here it is - time for him to be home!! Modern technology is truly amazing though isn't it?? I cannot imagine what parents used to endure by going months and possibly years without hearing a child's voice due to war. It must have been very close to unbearable. Perhaps those were deployments where time truly did approach and then only d-r-a-g?

I remember thinking that this would be an unbearable time for Priss. That she would 'pine and cry' every single day. Cry herself to sleep every night - which in turn meant I would do the same because I can't bear to see one of my kids hurt or miserable. But there again, modern technology is amazing . . . email, FB, cell phones, etc. They not only make it possible to communicate verbally, but view and assess what's going on. It's hard to knock the rate at which technology is evolving when it brings such comfort during what could be otherwise very stressful times such as these.

And then of course, we've had the 'wedding planning' that's kept us all, including Brandon, distracted and busy this time :) And trust me. As distracted and busy as we have been, he's been even more so. In fact, one of the many things I love about that boy is that he is definitely a 'hands-on' man. (Just one reason that I know he will not only be a great husband to my baby, but an awesome Dad to my future grand babies ;) Yep, he's been plotting and planning right along side of Priss. Making decisions as simple as guest lists and as stressful as picking out furniture. All from the other side of this world. Could almost baffle the brain . . .

But finally! The time that approached, dragged and blurred is finally gone - it's over. There's a new time to focus on now. It's time to get busy.

It's going to be exciting to watch Brandon be a physical part of the next few months. To watch him share and join in that excitement. And to see the look on both of their faces as they plan, plot and proceed to begin their lives together.

So hurry up time! Let's get this show on the road!!!!

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