Friday, June 17, 2011

Sweet William :)

Shortly after coming to Grace we joined a small group. Best decision we had made in a long, long, l-o-n-g time. Mike was leery at first, thinking he wouldn't have anything in common with such a diverse group of men. Isn't it funny how that thought rarely crosses the mind of a woman? :) Anyway, we settled into a group and became fast friends with everyone - still are today. But before that group ended, we decided to facilitate a group ourselves.

We have been married many, many years and anyone who's married - period - can probably relate when I say there have been many dips and valleys along the way. Hopefully not as deep as ours. But we realize now if we had been followers of Christ during those hard times, it would not only have alleviated some struggles, but would have made forgiveness and healing much, much easier. I guess that's why we have such a heart for couples and wanted to gear our small group studies in that direction. It was through that group that we first met sweet William. Oh, and of course his parents too :)

In case you aren't aware, small group life is just different. I'll try to describe it for those of you who haven't had the joy of being part of one yet. It's like experiencing life with super close and special extended family members. You live life together, meet on a weekly basis - and look forward to doing it. You form a closeness and a special bond with people who were probably total strangers to you beforehand. It is an amazing relationship. Our group was almost brand new when Will's parents shared we would be getting a new group member. But even so, it was no surprise that sweet little William became so special - even before he was born. He quickly became affectionately known by our group as Baby 'E' and we were thrilled at his arrival in September.

Little Will is the sweetest and most amusing little guy. I've pretty much branded myself as Nana Shelia and am more than happy to play the part when allowed. I'm telling you, that little guy has stolen my heart :)

Mike and I recently got to hang out with him while Mom and Dad had a date night. I'm not sure which one of us was more excited :) So when they dropped him off Mike 'jokingly' encouraged them to not only have dinner, but to take in a movie as well :) Ohhh! He is the sweetest little baby and we're already looking forward to the next date night!

And to just think . . . if not for our small group we would have missed out completely...

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