Ok. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm stalked by a time sucking black-hole. That or I fill my days with way too many goals concealed as busyness. Either way, more often than not I spend most days tied (possibly self-induced) into a frazzled knot.
There is always so much more I wanted to accomplish at the end of every day. Or every week. Or at least every weekend. You know, those two full days off each week. Some things seem really important and some are probably not important at all. But they are still things that I imagine are of the utmost importance. Places to go, people to see, things around the house - from replacing bathroom floors to placing photos in chronological order. And the list goes on and on.
I guess I've always had this problem (I'll admit to that) but I really thought this would magically become our time in our lives to do whatever we want - whenever we want. Ok, I hear you 'empty-nesters' laughing out loud right now . . .
But for some bizarre reason I really did assume life would really slow down once it was just the two of us. So I've found myself wondering a lot lately if it's not gonna happen - or if we just haven't figured it out yet?
I mean come on. Realistically it's a given that there should be more time, right?
So maybe what we really need to do is ask ourselves - do we feel like we need to fill it - or do we not know how to relax if we don't?
Hmmm . . . .
Come to me, all of you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
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