So to say that Mike and I are ridiculously exited, and honored, to receive this one is an understatement.

WooHoo! It's a party! :)
Yep, there was quite a bit of excitement around our house when this invitation arrived because this birthday party will be special for many reasons. But of course, Mr. Will is super special for many reasons as well :)
Will is our 'small group baby.' And by that I mean that his parents found out he was on his way about the same time God began placing us all together. So as a result we got to travel through the doctor visits, the updates, the ultrasounds, the nursery plans, a shower to pamper Mom and ultimately Will's much awaited arrival :)
If you've ever been part of a small group - you not only understand the closeness and amazing relationships that are developed - but also the deep attachment we have for this precious little fella. And that's not to mention the way my heart smiles each time I'm referred to as Nana Shelia :)
We love this little guy, and we're pretty fond of Mom and Dad too. (jk :) We're already looking forward to many more parties in the future.
Now . . . if I can just get my husband to calm down until we have a chance to shop for that gift!
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