Monday, July 25, 2011

Unexpected detours . . .

As I was preparing to leave work Thursday afternoon the clouds moved in and the bottom fell out. And as bad as I wanted to get my long weekend started, I decided to just wait it out. It rained pretty steady for at least 10 minutes, yet at the time it seemed much longer. We knew it was a pretty heavy rain due to the amount of water gushing from the downspouts and into the alley behind the DA's office. That's sort of our amateur rain gauge . . .

The rain eventually stopped and the sun popped right out. We grabbed our things, headed to the garage and I headed home.

I always leave by way of Franklin Street and drive past the University Landing Apartments. But as I traveled that same path that afternoon, I realized as soon as I topped the little hill that an unexpected detour might be in my best interest.

The intersection had flooded quickly as a result of what we had assumed was just another pop-up summertime shower. Unexpected detours. They come in all shapes and sizes, don't they?

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