And I'm loving that it's the middle of the week...
Two days past Monday...
And only two days until a much anticipated home coming...
I'm loving that someone special is flying to Daytona tonight to visit our son. He's been anxiously awaiting this visit :)

I'm loving that my back pain is better. And yeah, this course of treatment is s-l-o-w ... but it definitely beats the alternative.

I'm loving it because tomorrow night I'll travel to see Mrs. Forbes and visit with our crazy friends for an hour. Geez! The people are - ughhhhh ..... we'll miss you Kristina :)

I'm loving today because my son-in-law is so much closer to being home. It'll be good to see Priss with that silly 24/7 ear-to-ear grin on her face again. :)
I'm loving it because I have a love-hate relationship going on with Pinterest! It's totally awesome, yet completely addictive at the same time. There will soon be a new definition in Websters. Pinterest; a black hole!
I'm loving Wednesday though because I have found some of the neatest things on there :)
I mean from informational and helpful things (they're pinned) like what foods you can freeze ...

household tips ...
9. Safety Pins: Seriously, I had never heard of this before, but I gave it a shot, and it worked REALLY well. All I did was pin two safety pins on two different items in the dryer and everything came out static free!
10: Vinegar: I’ve actually been using vinegar for the last couple of weeks so I know it works well. Just pour about 1/4 c. of white vinegar into the fabric softener dispenser on your washing machine. You should have no need for a dryer sheet — and NO, you can’t smell the vinegar. {if you’re interested, here are 9 other uses for vinegar.}
What worked the best?
Hands down, the best solution {in my opinion} is combining the vinegar and the safety pins. After about 286 loads of laundry, that combo seemed to work the best. Plus, it’s eco-friendly — and practically free!
Another thing I learned is that using less detergent and washing your clothing less frequently also helps to reduce static cling.
simple, handy recipes ...
Pumpkin Pie Spice
2 tbsp. ground cinnamon
1 tbsp. ground ginger
1½ tsp. ground allspice
1½ tsp. ground cloves
¾ tsp. ground nutmeg
Combine all spices in a small bowl and whisk well to blend. Store spice blend in an airtight container.
and of course crafts and ideas I would never have thought of ...

But - all of you fellow Pinners already know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
But I'm also loving today because Pinterest is a good place for inspiration too. So since I just happened to be browsing anyway ...

Seriously, if you haven't checked it out yet - do so. Just remember I will not be held responsible.
Because ...

and I'm apparently not the only one ...
Until later :)
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