Man, what a difference a week can make. Remember that a week ago last night we had snow?? It caught us off guard - and wondering if dinner out was worth it ...
And then this week we've had warm(er) temps, thunderstorms and rain, ridiculous winds, chilly(er) temps and yesterday a bright sun that was out and absolutely beautiful! Clarksville weather :)
This past Friday night was spent with Miss Priss. We attended the first Ladies Night Out sponsored by Grace. Nothing big :) Just about 200 friends and new faces who were treated to a little ol' evening of wisdom and laughter by the amazing Patsy Clairmont. I needed it. Can't wait until the next one!
Last Sunday, Mike and I celebrated our 30th Anniversary. It's really surreal when I think of it. On one hand I consider everything life has brought us over the past 30 years, then on the other it seems like it was just yesterday that we said our vows. Craaaaaazy! I think this quote says it well ...
'Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.’
hmmmm ...
hmmmm ...
We decided on no gifts since #1 neither of us need anything and #2 we'll be heading to Daytona soon for a visit. But naturally I couldn't let it pass without doing something. So in the spirit of Pinterest (and yes this was MY creation) I gave him a Box of Love (go ahead ye naysayers and gag if you like).
I found a 'manly' box at Hobby Lobby, used scrapbook paper to print my personal thoughts, dated and labeled the bottom and filled it up with 30 reasons why I love Mike Sheppard.
We started out with no plans for the upcoming weekend, but found out last night that The Forbes are treating us to an anniversary dinner Saturday evening. I love surprises :) We're looking forward, as always, to spending time with them.
We'll also be treated to some time with our Sammie this weekend. It really does this Nana's heart good to know she's giving up a Saturday night - just to hang out with us :)
Add to that the great things we're hearing from Daytona - and life is indeed good. God continues to bless our family!
We start this Sunday morning out with sign-ups for a new small group. We are so excited! It still amazes us how a group of people/strangers from all walks of life just mesh into a family all their own. We are really looking forward to living life as a small group.
That's about it for today. I'll end with a couple of things that made me think, laugh or smile this week.
Until later :)

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