Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It'll be interesting . . .

. . . to see how Mike reacts when he can't worry about the kids anymore. Or should I say - really has no reason to worry - because I think he thinks he was given that job.

He is and always has been, a chronic 'worry wart.' Sometimes I think he worries that there's nothing to worry about! I mean, I worry too -when there's something to worry about. But him - oh my gosh . . .

I guess in his defense I'd have to say it only gets out of hand when he feels like a situation is out of his control - fear of the unknown maybe. I mean, when you look at it one way it's actually very sweet and endearing - from a parents point of view. But I still know that it drives the kids crazy.

Please don't think that I'm bashing him for his need to worry. Really, I'm not. Because on the other hand I am known (as the neighborhood kids pegged me many moons ago) an O.P.M. (over-protective Mom). Always have been. And trust me . . . I can definitely get a case of the Mama Lioness if the need be. You can mess with me whenever you want, but never mess with my kids.

So yeah, I'd say it's going to be very interesting. Not only to see how Mr. Worry Wart deals with life after kids, but how the O.P.M. handles it as well . . .

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