Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unbeknownst . . .

First of all . . . welcome to my ramblings.

I'll go ahead and warn you that I have no idea where this blog will take us. But I do know that very soon, May 2011 to be exact, we will begin to live life after kids. And I'll be the first to admit it - it's both scary and exciting.

I think if most parents are honest, and we all are, right? They'll admit that they either are - or did - live life for their children. I mean, they're kids, so we have to, right? It's almost like our adult world, unbeknownst to us, becomes slowly and unintentionally taken over by them. Then before we even realize it, we're just big people living in their little space.

And then somewhere way down that long, long road - you find yourself at this point. All of a sudden you're here and it's as if you never saw it coming because it happened literally overnight. It's here - it's finally time for them to grow up, move on and live their own life.

And that is the journey we're preparing to take -

Our son, Michael, moved back to our hometown after his service in the Navy and has been living a rock, skip and jump from us for several years now. It has been great having him so near. But he's announced that he is about to completely relocate to another state - approximately 10 hours away.

Our 'baby girl,' Amanda, still lives at home, but will marry the man of her dreams in 94 days. And although she will be living less than 2 miles away, due to surgery dressings, etc it sometimes feels as if we are literally attached at the hip.

So . . . be warned. When you do find time to stop back by you may find nothing but the ramblings of a stressed out, neurotic, crazy woman. But my hopes are that you will find our new and exciting journey has just started and our life after kids has never been better.

Will it be scary?
  • How will we spend it?
  • What will we do?
  • Will the silence be too loud?
  • Do we still know each other?

Or exciting?

  • Peaceful, long chats.
  • Freedom.
  • No distractions.
  • Reconnecting.

Can't wait to start finding out . . .

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