We played catch up Friday night. Mike spent his birthday working out of town, so he caught up with some birthday wishes, gifts and cards. Sometimes so much is said with so little words . . .
Then we started our Saturday off with much needed yard work. We're trying to get a jump on the fall trimming, etc. We finished earlier than anticipated due to pretty amazing teamwork :) and were taking care of other odd and end chores when I received a call from an ER Nurse at Gateway.
I'm sure you can imagine how many directions my brain flew off in. Knowing my mom's condition, my dad's issues and just the fact that they, plus Mike's parents are well up in age, naturally sent me there for a moment. And of course we had the Forbes' traveling home from Nashville, Stephanie and Ricky, Sammie (my teenage driving granddaughter), my crazy sister who decided she needs a jet-ski, and on and on and on.
Well, it turned out to be none of these. Instead it was my brother. While doing repairs on a rental house he had seriously cut his fingers - with a skill saw. That makes you wince, huh? His house is waaaaay out towards Dickson off of Hwy 48. Fortunately, his 13 yr old son Zach was with him. So he loaded his dad's tools and they headed to the ER. They traveled the By-Pass to Warfield and made it almost to River Run before blowing a rear tire. He takes a blood thinner, so a dangerous situation had gotten worse until a lady stopped and offered to take him to the ER. This still left him with the dilemma of Zach and an expensive truck load of tools on the side of the road. Zach told his dad to just get in the car and go. My brother tossed him his phone and headed out.
Once there the ER called and Mike and I headed out to change the tire and retrieve Zach from the side of the road. In the meantime, my brother had contacted the CPD and asked that they check on his son. By the time we got there everything was well and completely under control.
There were a lot of Good Samaritan's out that day.
A special thanks to the lady who allowed a bleeding man in her car and went back to check on his son.
And to these teens - who put their own plans on hold. Their parents should be very proud.
My brother is fine. After several hours of tests, cleaning the wounds and a bunch of stitches, he was sent home to recuperate. No permanent damage anticipated.
I am so proud of the way Zach handled himself and the situation. The little guy was very worried about his dad, but he definitely handled it like a
Following that, we got together with members of our former small group. It was hosted by Dana and Cooper and it gave us all a chance to just hang out and catch up. It's so hard to believe that we met so long ago! Will is our gauge. His mom and dad had just found out he was on his way when our group started. And I'm here to tell you, this little guy has stolen our hearts!!
I spent time doing what I love :)
And so did he . . .
Following our get together, we had Jaxon duty. Jaxon is our grand-dog and is he ever
active! He gives his Papa a run for his money. He may be a puppy, but he tends to forget that :)
We (well, Papa) took him for a walk . . .
They had to have a heart-to-heart along the way . . .
Then, Jaxon being the pup he is, headed straight for the playground.
And being the Papa he is - well . . . you get the idea :)
Sunday was sign-ups for Connect at Grace. We were looking forward to checking everything out and getting plugged into a new group. Mother Nature had different plans. Although our electricity survived the hard strike in the middle of the night, we did lose power around 8:30 Sunday morning. Although we missed church, we were more fortunate than many and had power back on by 4:00. Hope the meteorologists are a little more accurate next time there's a 30% chance of rain . . .
We spent Sunday afternoon with The Forbes.
#1. Priss is having her week-long birthday celebration.
#2. It was HOT in our house.
After using the electricity we needed (jk) we headed out to eat for the birthday people. She wanted Ruby Tuesday and he wanted Chinese Buffet. He won.
Here's the aftermath . . .
Oh well, you get the idea :)
Great, busy, hectic, unusual weekend!