
Middle of the week...
Two days past Monday...
And only two until the weekend...
I'm loving it because God loves me although I'm so unworthy.
I'm loving it because my son arrived safely in Daytona Beach. Now I can start looking forward to his trip home for Christmas!
I'm loving it because my family is completely awesome.
I'm loving it because my son-in-law is a day closer to coming home. Tick-Tock.
I'm loving that I finally got to experience my first $2.00 lunch with Priss today. Delish! Ham, stewed potatoes, slaw, green beans, roll, brownie and shortbread cookie. ALL for two bucks!

I'm loving it because we have NO plans for the weekend. I am so hoping it stays that way...
I'm loving it because we had family visiting from Louisiana. Hope to visit them next time around.

I'm loving it because my Mom feels good! I mean really, really good for the first time in a long time.
(With my cousin, Deb)
I'm loving it because we have TiVo and XFactor and Survivor are both on tonight.
I'm loving it because Grey's will be on tomorrow night and I won't have to enjoy it alone.
I'm loving it because it's a laundry free night :)
I'm loving it because I booked a Christmas photo session.
I'm loving it because my husband is going to be surprised with meatloaf tonight! He loves my meatloaf and is probably expecting something much less desirable. Hoping this will help with the news of the photo session ;)

I'm loving that I have big plans and all of the ingredients for TWO crock pots tomorrow.
I'm loving it because Fall still hasn't figured out it's arrived yet and each day is practically like summer!! :)
I'm loving it because my sister willingly shares responsibilities with me.
I'll end with two of the many photos, statements, cartoons, etc that I'm loving on FB every day. Both are self-explanatory and touched my heart in very different ways...

I'm loving this 'What I'm Loving Wednesday' thing ...
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