Middle of the week...
Two days past Monday...
And only two until the weekend...
I'm loving that even though I paid $3.31 per gallon for gas at lunch - it wasn't $4.31.
I'm loving it because it may be dreary, raining and cold outside, but I have a warm office now and a warm, cozy home waiting for me.
I'm loving it because we have our small group tonight and we're providing the meal. Crock pots ROCK!
I'm loving it because in just 3 days I get a massage.
I'm loving it because my son-in-law is a day closer to coming home. Tick-Tock.
I'm loving that my parents are on vacation. Let me clarify. That my mom feels like being on vacation :) Check out these pics!
Look at her! Beautiful backdrop and her little fanny pack :) Happy as a lark! Makes my heart smile...
My sister, Belinda, travelled with them, so it's been a worry-free week (for me). Look at the smile on my mom's face!! I'm loving it!
Mom called to report bears outside the cabin this morning. She sounded scared and thrilled at the same time...
Might explain why ... Family Dare Devil
I'm loving Wednesday most of all today because I truly do realize how very blessed I am. I am ever so humbled and thankful.
What about you? Link up
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