I'm loving Wednesday today because of the large open windows in my office.

It may be cold and breezy outside, but I'm loving the absolutely gorgeous sunshine beaming through today. Definitely getting in my quota of vitamin D for the day :)
"Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun." Ecclesiastes 11:7
I'm loving Wednesday because I'm gearing up for the first of my 2012 'DIY' projects I hope to accomplish. I'm excited to get started. And whether I post before and after pictures will depend strictly upon my level of success :)
I'm loving Wednesday this week because there is no laundry duty tonight! The four day weekend gave me a jump on that. Oh come on. Surely I'm not the only one who participates in some form of laundry almost nightly...
I'm loving Wednesday because that means tomorrow is Thursday and the next day is Friday. This week it's as simple as that. Come on weekend!
Until later :)
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