So as my first official work week of 2012 began today, I wasn't surprised that this was the one I'd start it off with.
Refresh yourself in the Peace of My Presence. This Peace can be your portion at all times and in all circumstances.
I go before you to open up the way, and I also walk alongside you. There could never be another companion as devoted as I am. I LOVE THIS!!
Do not be weighed down with problems and unresolved issues, for I am you burden-bearer. Can I get an AMEN?

In the world you have trials and distress, but don't let them get you down. I have conquered the world and deprived it of power to harm you. In Me you have confident Peace. What a comforting reminder!
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Soak it up!
Until later :)
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