Friday, February 24, 2012

Random Sharing

It's Friday. Love that it is. These past few days of mysterious spring/summer temps have almost caused an early bout of Spring Fever. On top of that, we have a low-key weekend and we don't seem to have very many of those. So come on five 'clock!

Priss had another surgery yesterday. She's sick of going thru the OR and being put under, so she decided to go the in-office route this time. She's nauseous and in a lot of pain today as a result. Prayers for her are both needed and appreciated.

In our empty nest ... The Mister is hopefuly getting a date set for his knee surgery today. Torn miniscus. He's been in a lot of pain for a pretty good while and there's no sign of it letting up without it. I've often fussed at him for walking so fast that he leaves these short legs of mine in the dust, but that hasn't been the case here lately. So prayers for a sooner than later surgery date and a speedy healing are both appreciated here as well.

And with that being said ... I'll just get on with sharing a few things I've come across this week.

"Thank you Lord for not giving up on me.  Thank you for opening my eyes to the healing power of having a thankful heart."

"Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the cruelest words."

When asked his secret of love, being married fifty-four years to the same person, he said, "Ruth and I are happily incompatible." ~ Billy Graham  

"I got gaps; you got gaps; we fill each other's gaps." ~ Rocky Balboa

From a blog I follow

Dear God,
I know there are times that I complain, that I compare, covet, and harbor unthankfulness… for all of those times I am sorry.  I repent from being negative towards the gifts you have given me and I choose to sow gratitude.  Thank you for my husband.  Thank you for his unique ways and our imperfect relationship.  Thank you for showing how to forgive and truly love deeply. I choose to sow gratitude so that I may leave a legacy of love in my family!  Thank you Lord for not giving up on me.  Thank you for opening my eyes to the healing power of having a thankful heart.   I also pray that my husband is thankful for all that we have and that together we will live in peace and unity.  I pray that our love grows deeper and deeper everyday.  Remove any residual affects of resentment or bitterness, refresh us O Lord in your son’s name. AMEN!

Have an awesome weekend!

Until later :)

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