What I'm loving this Wednesday (and all future ones :) for is that our small group meets tonight. We have the most awesome small group - hands down! Priss and the husband are hosting tonight. They are excited and that makes me super excited :)
I'm loving this Wednesday because we finally have a surgery date for The Mister. He's been miserable with all of the knee pain - plus one of his semi-annual colds. But this time next week, although he may be in different type of pain, the knee will be on the mend!
What I'm loving about today is it appears we've missed the tornados we were threatened with earlier. I love the warm temps we've had this week, but hate the possibility of severe storms. This girl would like her cake and eat it too, please!
I'm loving this Wednesday because the February Photo Challenge ends. I'm not much of a photo-hog and certainly don't claim to be a photographer of any sorts, so you'll just have to bear with me. I didn't post daily, or even semi-weekly, so here goes ...
February 1
My view 5 days a week
February 2
February 3
Precious hands
February 4
February 5
February 6
February 7
February 8
Photo from a weekend get-a-way
February 9
February 10
Not much of an artist either ;)
February 11
Treated Sammie to her first massage
February 12
Good times!
February 13
Christmas Present
February 14
An everyday Valentine
February 15
Yes. Some still have cords :)
February 16
Priss talked me into a new phone case
February 17
Never enough of it
February 18
Love this green tea
February 19
My least favorite chore
February 20
Always in a rush
February 21
I love this crew :)
February 22
Where the 'magic' happens!
February 23
Purchased in San Diego MANY moons ago!
February 24
The 'neat' portion of the cabinet
February 25
February 26
A snowy night not too long ago
February 27
My morning snack
February 28
Money, money, money, money - M*O*N*E*Y!
February 29
Way to start my day!
How about you? Want to join me?
Until later :)
Mom.... you are so sneaky!! I didn't know you did so well with keeping up! :) Good job and I hope you do the one for March!!!