Monday, April 30, 2012

Dear Lord, It's me again ...

Dear Lord,

        It's me again ...
       Today I want to thank you for this beautiful warm and sunny day. I know, that you know, how much I love weather like this, so thank you so very much. :)
       I want to thank you again today for my amazing life. Thank you for the 'tee-tiny' to the 'life altering' things that have shaped me into who I am in you. Thank you for your never-ending patience with me as I strive to walk in your truth, often failing so miserably. I pray that each future step will bring me only closer and closer to you.  I pray for restoration, peace and healing from my past experiences so that I can fully enjoy the blessings of right here, right now. I pray your Holy Spirit will restore and revive my soul and spirit each and every day. Mold me and my heart to be more like you.
         Thank you for the countless blessings and love of a wonderful family. Thank you for my marriage and for a husband who loves me so much!  I'm so thankful for his unlimited patience with me - and I pray that I will eventually test it less and less each day. I pray that you will bless him abundantly and place your almighty hedge of protection around him wherever he goes. I pray that he will boldly seek you in all that he does. I also pray for his healing and restoration in any area of his life where there may be a need. I pray that our marriage becomes stronger and fuller each and every day. I pray that we will always selflessly serve and care for one another. And I pray that our marriage honors you and serves as a testimony of your power, your love and your forgiveness.

In Jesus name,

Until later :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Friendship Challenge

Hopefully you are able to think of friends who brighten your world. You know, the ones who automatically put a silly smile on your face? Who you've been blessed enough to build 'only you and her' memories with? Friends who you haven't bumped into forever, but when you do it's like the last time you saw them?

Sadly, many women - myself included - had some pretty nasty and/or heartbreaking experiences in middle or high school they'd rather forget. Those that can still sneak in a little shot of hurt, even to this day. And if we're honest (without breaking the 'girl-code') we'd have to admit that girls - and women - can just be down-right mean. Catty even (enter the hiss-meow sound here...). Whether the underlying issues are jealousies, insecurities, buried pain of their own, or whatever - it still causes pain and sometimes deep scars to the recipient.

Then...we grow up. Most of us. The following devotion spoke to me. And whether you've ever been on the dishing out or the dished on end of such a friendship, I think this might hit home.

What makes a woman tender also reveals her vulnerabilities.

What makes a woman transparent also exposes her wounds.

What makes a woman authentic also uncovers her insecurities.

And there isn’t a woman alive who resists being revealed, exposed, and uncovered. But to establish real intimacy with another person, a friend, it will require pushing past this resistance — past the fear.

To be known is to risk being hurt.

Friendship is risky.

But friendship can be beautiful.

I want you to think about a friend you can make an investment in this week.

I challenge you to not think of the friend with whom you feel most comfortable. But rather think of the friend who might benefit from seeing a little more of your tenderness, transparency, and authenticity.

There is someone in your sphere of influence who feels desperate to know there is someone else who understands.

Might you take three days and give her three friendship investments?

Day 1 — Have a conversation with her where you honestly admit one of your vulnerabilities or insecurities. Chances are she’ll reveal something to you as well. Then commit, really commit to praying for her.

Maybe wear your watch on the opposite arm than you normally do. Every time you’re distracted by this out of sorts placement, see this as a prompt to pray for this friend. Think of the burden she’s been carrying lately and carry it in your prayers this day.

Day 2 — Buy this friend a gift. Just because. It doesn’t have to cost you much. But make an investment of time to think of something that would really be personally delightful to this friend.

Day 3 — Write your friend a note to attach to the gift. In the letter, tell her at least three things you admire about her and some way she’s made a difference in your life.

Then deliver this little “just because” gift and note to your friend. This friend who sometimes feels a little vulnerable. Wounded. Exposed in some way.

Your honesty and thoughtfulness will be such a sweet investment.

For her.

For you.

For your friendship.

Are you up for taking the friendship challenge?

Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29 NLT

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:12-14 NLT

Later :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

When Your Husband Has Given Up

This email brought back so many feelings for me. However - the ones that immediately won out were praise and thankfulness. I know so many who have walked in these shoes - and some who are in them now. My hope is that by sharing this you realize you are indeed worthy and today IS a new day.

Remember ... we serve an AWESOME GOD. Enjoy ... :)

The silence. The rejection. The harsh words. The absence of intimacy. The questions. The lack of answers. The hurt.

Every week I get at least one letter or comment on my blog about a marriage in trouble. My heart aches for anyone in a marriage that’s struggling. I’ve been there. Many of us have.

But I think the deepest hurt comes when one spouse resigns while the other is still trying. There is a panic that arises to somehow make the other person wake up, stop their resignation, and help you fix this relationship.

Obviously a situation like this is much more complicated than simple answers on a simple blog can provide. But might I give you one stepping stone upon which to stand on, stop the panic and balance yourself today?

Decide today that you are worthy.

That’s the first step.

Because you are. Worthy. You may not feel like it. But a quick glimpse at Psalm 139 assures me, you are. And I’d rather depend on the solid truth of God than the roller coaster of fickle feelings.

You are beautiful and captivating and attractive and smart and capable. But if you are in a relationship full of unmet expectations, unresolved issues, and frustrating communication, I suspect you feel a little less than all I’ve described.

Broken down relationships can really break down a woman.

And if you’re anything like me, when you feel broken down those around you get your worst. Then upon all the hurt and anxiety you layer on regret, shame, and the feeling that you’ve lost yourself. You’ve lost that girl inside you that used to be so positive and happy and ready to take on the world.

Can I whisper a tender truth to you? The only way to recapture her is to come up for air and remember you are worthy.

Then you can act worthy.

And step aside from the emotional yuck to make some level headed decisions. Get a plan. Talk to wise people who love you and will walk this tough journey with you.

Draw some boundaries with an uncooperative husband. Pray like crazy for clear discernment.

Remember you can’t control how he acts and reacts, but you can control how you act and react.

Reclaim who you are.

In a strange kind of way I had to do this yesterday during a scuba diving trip with my family. Everything was going fine until we saw what we all thought was a baby shark. And then that “baby shark” bumped into my daughter’s head. She did what most 18-year-old’s would do when her head gets bumped by a “shark.”

She remained completely calm.

Oh I kid.

She did nothing of the sorts. She screamed so loud I could hear her despite the fact we were 30 feet under water. Now that is a loud scream.

Then the creature bumped her head a second time.

And y’all, you would have thought the thing ripped her arm off. Which it did not.
(We later found out it wasn’t a shark and didn’t even have teeth.)

She completely panicked and attacked me ripping my mask and regulator off. Since she jumped on me from behind and I didn’t see her coming, I totally thought the baby shark’s mama had grabbed me.

For what was just a few seconds but felt like hours, I was convinced I would drown. I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t remember how to be calm.

Though I’m normally a calm person, I was anything but until the dive master came to me. He wasn’t panicked. And he saw the same “shark” as us. He was calm and reassuring and reminded me to put my regulator in and breathe. He then helped us all ascend to the surface.

Masters are good like that.

Later on the boat, I realized how panic completely changes people — makes them act in ways they normally never would.

And it’s the same whether you’re under water in the ocean or under water in a relationship.

So, today breathe. Steady yourself. Keep your eyes on the Master.

I pray your relationship survives. I pray it with every fiber of my being. But if it doesn’t, I pray most of all that the beautiful woman you are rises above all the yuck still clinging tightly to the only opinion that matters — the One who forever calls you worthy.

(Lysa Terkeurst)

Later :)