Friday, March 25, 2011

Relaxation . . .

There are times when it seems like we don't get a lot done, yet we never slow down. Over the years we've learned that the best way for us to relax and reconnect is to just get the heck out of Dodge.

So I made arrangements to get my BF away for the weekend. And though we're not traveling far, we have big plans to do absolutely nothing but relax, unwind and enjoy each other's company - before the real wedding stuff begins.

Twenty-nine years and ticking :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Mother-In-Law . . .

While I hardly ever read the newspaper, and never read Dear Abby, for some reason I picked up the one at work today. And while thumbing through it I came across the Dear Abby section and 'A Mother-in-Law's Prayer.' I'll have to admit it made me chuckle, but at the same time it really made me think.

I have to say, I've always worried about being one of 'those' mother-in-law's. I mean, there are times when you wonder if your kids will find someone 'worthy' enough. (Come on . . . admit it.) But I also knew I did not want to feel that way when the real time came.

I really don't know where the fear of being one came from. Because the only experience I've ever had is through generalization. For example, one of Mike's favorite re-run shows right now is Everybody Loves Raymond. And while it's a very funny show, I know that Marie is the perfect example of what NOT to do as a mother-in-law. And thank God, I've been much, much luckier than poor Debra...

Unlike Marie, my mother-in-law is one of the sweetest women you'll ever meet. She has never over-stepped her bounds, offered unsolicited advice or made me feel the least bit inadequate as a wife to her son or mother to her grandchildren. If anything, she's always made me feel completely accepted and 'validated' in both areas.

And then there's my mom. I could not have asked for a better example of how to be a mother-in-law. She treats my husband as if he's her very own son. As a matter of fact, most of the time she spoils him way more than she does me. It speaks volumes about their relationship that he picks up the phone and deliberately calls her just to talk.

I think I've made it pretty clear to everyone how I feel about Brandon. He has quickly become a part of our family. He is extremely respectful and a true gentlemen at all times. He is going to make our relationship very, very easy.

I'm beginning to see how my mom does it ;)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME . . .

Had a birthday this past weekend. I've had many . . .

It really struck me this year how blessed I am. I mean, I know this and I realize it on some level every day. But for some reason this birthday really brought that fact home.

No . . . I didn't do anything super spectacular.
No . . . I didn't receive any super expensive or over the top gifts.
No . . . I didn't have a huge 'gotcha' surprise party.

What I did have was a lot of me time. I love guilt-free me time. No schedule, no plans, no looming responsibilities. Just time to relax, a quiet house (off and on) and a day of leisure to do what I wanted, when I wanted to. It was awesome :)

I did receive some very special and thoughtful gifts though . . .

My loving husband (who really struggles with the whole gift buying thing) gave me a new study bible. It was made extra special by the fact that we are currently doing a study of Ezra (yes, EZRA) in our small group. Therefore, a very thoughtful gift - LOVE it!

Michael gave me a special card that immediately brought tears to my eyes (son's can do that you know) and a book from Lifeway - Love and Respect for a Lifetime. Of course he had no way of knowing that Ron would recommend during his message on marriage the next day that every couple own and read this book. A very thoughtful gift - LOVE it!

Priss and the future son-in-law, Brandon, gave me something they knew I both needed and would use. A SUPER soft, cozy, comfortable, over sized, calming pastel mint snuggle blanket. My temp is always lower than everyone else, which results in a constant game of thermostat war. A very thoughtful gift - LOVE it!

My sister - Patty - called from the middle of Belks to sing Happy Birthday to me. I'm sure she received several stares, which I can guarantee you did not phase her one bit. Very sweet. Love my sister!

My Mom and Dad called from their vacation. And for as many birthdays as I can remember, I was serenaded via speaker phone with a sound that I pray I hear for many, many years to come. Love my parents!

I received a text from my brother (who was off on his motorcycle searching for his lost youth), many phone calls and a whole bunch of FB wishes, all of which mean more than the poster(s) probably know.

So as the sun went down on what was already a Norman Rockwell day, I was surrounded by my richest blessings for an actual sit down dinner and definitely reminded of just how truly and abundantly blessed I am.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time's movin' on . . .

I remember thinking these last three months would surely drag by . . . but ughhhhh . . .

We have the big Engagement Dinner tonight. It seems like every day makes May 14th and the wedding day of our baby seem more and more a reality. And don't get me wrong here. I have absolutely NO doubts that it's going to happen, but tonight will really make it real . . .

I am so happy for Priss that it's really hard to put into words. Anyone who knows her also knows that she rarely has a down day, much less a frown on her face. But if you've been around her lately I'm sure you're like me and wonder what keeps her cheeks from literally cracking from the grin constantly plastered on her face!

So I'm here today to attest that nothing can compare to the joy of a mother's heart when she knows without a doubt that her child is truly happy. It makes me want to 'SHOUT - kick my heals up - SHOUT - throw my hands up - SHOUT . . . :)

So who knows . . . perhaps tonight?? :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Accepting the Call . . .

"Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching" (John 14:23a, NIV).

There is a feature on my cell phone that allows me to decline an incoming call. There are a thousand reasons why I might choose to hit the “decline” button when my phone rings. Sometimes I am writing and have a deadline to make. Decline. Sometimes a call comes in when I’m mid-conversation with a friend or when I’m connecting with my family. Decline. At times, true confessions here, I decline a call simply because I don’t want to talk to the person who’s calling me at that moment. (C'mon, don’t judge me.)

Similarly, there are times in my life when I try to ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit as if I were declining a cell phone call. Times when I just don’t feel like doing what I know God wants me to do. Times when I don’t want to hear the still small voice that whispers to my soul: "forgive him" – "release your anger" – "humble yourself and ask for forgiveness" or "focus on my plan for you ... not on my plan for another person."

Now, naturally I didn't write this humbling confession - although it sadly fits me to a tee at times. It came from a devotional I read this morning that smacked me up beside the head. Not about the whole declining of phone calls (although that part's true too . . .) but the times I just don't listen to God. The times I'm just too occupied, intent on traveling my own path or perhaps even scared to hear what he has to say.

The devotion went on to say -

Jesus told his disciples that if they loved Him, they would obey His commands and His teachings (John 14:15-27). A simple if-then statement. If you love me, then you will obey. He also told them that when He returned to the Father in heaven, He would send the Holy Spirit to teach, to guide in truth, to convict of sin and to remind believers of what Jesus taught (John 16:7-14). To help us. To empower us. The Spirit of God lives within every Christian. He equips us for each task as we yield to His leading. When God prompts us to do something on His behalf, He is faithful to lead the way and to bless our obedience – for His own glory. It's all about His glory. He simply wants our willingness and our obedience. Friend, His plans need to be our plans ... even if His plans sometimes seem to "interrupt" our plans.

My devotion today reminded me quickly that even with all the wedding planning, the endless errands, work, laundry, shopping, the extra bodies around our house (all of them welcome :) and every other menial task I have to do - I've been declining far too often. Time to start taking His call . . .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lunch-time brrrrr . . . .

Can't believe that after short sleeve weather yesterday, today is a gloves and scarf kind of day! Snow flurries? Seriously??

Our small group meets tonight and I had emailed everyone earlier this week to say that our potluck contribution would be hotdogs and baked beans. Simply because we - or rather I - am trying to rush summer. That apparently didn't work!

But even though it feels like sub-zero temps outside, the Wedding Planner (aka Stephanie) and I ran a few lunchtime wedding errands. And even though I realize we have accomplished amazing feats over the past few months, it seems like every time we mark something off the list it's like we add twice as many! But everything is coming together slowly, but surely. It'll be here before I know it. And when it is, I know I'll find myself wishing that the time had moved SO much s-l-o-w-e-r . . .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Spring is my favorite time of the year. After a dreary and cold winter everything springs up fresh, vibrant and alive. And this spring is definitely going to be one to remember!

We have a wedding to prepare for :}

Brandon is finally home from deployment, the engagement dinner is scheduled, the wedding rings are purchased and the bridal showers are scheduled . . . OH MY . . . 65 days and counting.

Things are about to get busy!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

BFF's . . .

It's so dramatic how, females in particular, refer to others as BFF (for those from another planet, that is an abbreviation for Best Friends Forever ;) I'm blessed to have two. One celebrates her birthday today . . .

Stephanie Ann Moore. Faithful wife and amazing mother. Big sister and BFF to her baby sister. Tolerant sister to her wild and wacky brother. And caring, loving and helpful granddaughter.

She has a heart of gold and loves and tolerates everyone, regardless of who they are or what they have. She is one of the sweetest and most loving people I know. Her heart is huge and anyone in her presence knows that. She is confident and she is who she is. What you see is what you get.

But most importantly she is a daughter beyond compare. She is loving, honest and trustworthy. She is a helper when needed, an ear if I need one and a comforting shoulder to lean on. She is a testament to the fact that, even when I worried I might be getting it wrong, I must have gotten something right.

I thank God for her and wish her the happiest and most awesome birthday ever.

I love you Steph :)

Time . . .

Time is a crazy thing. We gauge and live our lives by it. Yet it's nothing tangible. Nothing we can see. Nothing we can feel. Nothing to smell. Nothing to hear. And probably most frustrating at times - nothing we can get our hands on. It's mind-boggling how if associated with something extremely personal to us - time can appear to approach, drag, blur and be gone - all at the same time.

The 'time' I'm referring to right now is Brandon's latest deployment. It's just seems ridiculous to me today that he left weeks before Christmas! I remember dreading and just knowing that these past three months were going to be the longest and most miserable ever. But even though I have truly missed the little stinker like crazy, here it is - time for him to be home!! Modern technology is truly amazing though isn't it?? I cannot imagine what parents used to endure by going months and possibly years without hearing a child's voice due to war. It must have been very close to unbearable. Perhaps those were deployments where time truly did approach and then only d-r-a-g?

I remember thinking that this would be an unbearable time for Priss. That she would 'pine and cry' every single day. Cry herself to sleep every night - which in turn meant I would do the same because I can't bear to see one of my kids hurt or miserable. But there again, modern technology is amazing . . . email, FB, cell phones, etc. They not only make it possible to communicate verbally, but view and assess what's going on. It's hard to knock the rate at which technology is evolving when it brings such comfort during what could be otherwise very stressful times such as these.

And then of course, we've had the 'wedding planning' that's kept us all, including Brandon, distracted and busy this time :) And trust me. As distracted and busy as we have been, he's been even more so. In fact, one of the many things I love about that boy is that he is definitely a 'hands-on' man. (Just one reason that I know he will not only be a great husband to my baby, but an awesome Dad to my future grand babies ;) Yep, he's been plotting and planning right along side of Priss. Making decisions as simple as guest lists and as stressful as picking out furniture. All from the other side of this world. Could almost baffle the brain . . .

But finally! The time that approached, dragged and blurred is finally gone - it's over. There's a new time to focus on now. It's time to get busy.

It's going to be exciting to watch Brandon be a physical part of the next few months. To watch him share and join in that excitement. And to see the look on both of their faces as they plan, plot and proceed to begin their lives together.

So hurry up time! Let's get this show on the road!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

*S*I*G*H . . .

Wow, what a couple of weeks! Seems like I've been sick forever. This crud does not give up easily at all. It's attacked everyone in our house, the latest casualty being Miss Priss - which I really hate, because the Fiance is due back really, really soon.

It got my sweet husband too. It manifested itself in his body in the worst way possible. He's a heavy smoker to begin with and this stuff really does a number on you between head and chest congestion. So it really made his coughing much, much worse. He actually blacked-out during a late night coughing episode and scared the bejeesus out of me. I have never been overcome with such a complete fear and total loss of control. I thought I was witnessing his last breath.

Once he regained consciousness, we convinced him to go to the ER, where following the typical unnecessary waiting period and several tests, he was admitted for overnight observation. That turned into a two night stay with many more tests and a diagnosis of Cough-Syncope.

Cough-Syncope: The temporary loss of consciousness upon coughing. Syncope is the temporary loss of consciousness or, in plain English, fainting.

Syncope (pronounced “sin ko pea”) is the temporary loss of consciousness and posture caused by a temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain. Syncope may be associated with a sudden fall in blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate or changes in blood volume or distribution. The person usually regains consciousness and becomes alert right away but experiences a brief period of confusion. Cough-Syncope is the temporary loss of consciousness upon coughing and the most common symptoms include:

Blacking out
Falling for no reason
Fainting - following severe coughing
Feeling unsteady or weak upon standing

Treatment consists of determining the triggers and alleviating them. So now the uphill battle of not-smoking begins. This is something he has attempted more times than I can count. He's tried everything possible, including medication that resulted in horrific nightmares. Nicotine addiction is a serious matter, as anyone who has ever smoked can attest. And for those who have not, it's harder to understand. I liken a non-smoker's advice to someone who doesn't have children. Until you've walked in their shoes, you not only don't understand - you aren't the least bit qualified to offer advice on the situation or the solution. So prayers are definitely needed as he takes this journey to kick this addictive habit.

So that being said, our family could use your prayers for his journey to kick this addictive habit, as well as a really l-o-n-g stretch of good health, no more viruses, cysts, surgeries or hospitalizations. We have a very exciting Spring coming up and have lots and lots to do! :)