Friday, March 25, 2011
Relaxation . . .

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Mother-In-Law . . .
Monday, March 21, 2011
Happy Birthday to ME . . .
It really struck me this year how blessed I am. I mean, I know this and I realize it on some level every day. But for some reason this birthday really brought that fact home.
No . . . I didn't do anything super spectacular.
No . . . I didn't receive any super expensive or over the top gifts.
No . . . I didn't have a huge 'gotcha' surprise party.
What I did have was a lot of me time. I love guilt-free me time. No schedule, no plans, no looming responsibilities. Just time to relax, a quiet house (off and on) and a day of leisure to do what I wanted, when I wanted to. It was awesome :)
I did receive some very special and thoughtful gifts though . . .
My loving husband (who really struggles with the whole gift buying thing) gave me a new study bible. It was made extra special by the fact that we are currently doing a study of Ezra (yes, EZRA) in our small group. Therefore, a very thoughtful gift - LOVE it!
Michael gave me a special card that immediately brought tears to my eyes (son's can do that you know) and a book from Lifeway - Love and Respect for a Lifetime. Of course he had no way of knowing that Ron would recommend during his message on marriage the next day that every couple own and read this book. A very thoughtful gift - LOVE it!
Priss and the future son-in-law, Brandon, gave me something they knew I both needed and would use. A SUPER soft, cozy, comfortable, over sized, calming pastel mint snuggle blanket. My temp is always lower than everyone else, which results in a constant game of thermostat war. A very thoughtful gift - LOVE it!
My sister - Patty - called from the middle of Belks to sing Happy Birthday to me. I'm sure she received several stares, which I can guarantee you did not phase her one bit. Very sweet. Love my sister!
My Mom and Dad called from their vacation. And for as many birthdays as I can remember, I was serenaded via speaker phone with a sound that I pray I hear for many, many years to come. Love my parents!
I received a text from my brother (who was off on his motorcycle searching for his lost youth), many phone calls and a whole bunch of FB wishes, all of which mean more than the poster(s) probably know.
So as the sun went down on what was already a Norman Rockwell day, I was surrounded by my richest blessings for an actual sit down dinner and definitely reminded of just how truly and abundantly blessed I am.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Time's movin' on . . .

Friday, March 11, 2011
Accepting the Call . . .

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Lunch-time brrrrr . . . .
Our small group meets tonight and I had emailed everyone earlier this week to say that our potluck contribution would be hotdogs and baked beans. Simply because we - or rather I - am trying to rush summer. That apparently didn't work!
But even though it feels like sub-zero temps outside, the Wedding Planner (aka Stephanie) and I ran a few lunchtime wedding errands. And even though I realize we have accomplished amazing feats over the past few months, it seems like every time we mark something off the list it's like we add twice as many! But everything is coming together slowly, but surely. It'll be here before I know it. And when it is, I know I'll find myself wishing that the time had moved SO much s-l-o-w-e-r . . .
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
We have a wedding to prepare for :}
Brandon is finally home from deployment, the engagement dinner is scheduled, the wedding rings are purchased and the bridal showers are scheduled . . . OH MY . . . 65 days and counting.
Things are about to get busy!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
BFF's . . .

Time . . .

Thursday, March 3, 2011
*S*I*G*H . . .

Blacking out
Falling for no reason
Fainting - following severe coughing
Feeling unsteady or weak upon standing
Treatment consists of determining the triggers and alleviating them. So now the uphill battle of not-smoking begins. This is something he has attempted more times than I can count. He's tried everything possible, including medication that resulted in horrific nightmares. Nicotine addiction is a serious matter, as anyone who has ever smoked can attest. And for those who have not, it's harder to understand. I liken a non-smoker's advice to someone who doesn't have children. Until you've walked in their shoes, you not only don't understand - you aren't the least bit qualified to offer advice on the situation or the solution. So prayers are definitely needed as he takes this journey to kick this addictive habit.
So that being said, our family could use your prayers for his journey to kick this addictive habit, as well as a really l-o-n-g stretch of good health, no more viruses, cysts, surgeries or hospitalizations. We have a very exciting Spring coming up and have lots and lots to do! :)